Bus and Coach
Transit, Shuttle, Motorcoach, School Bus
Keep People Moving With Ease
Alcoa® forged aluminum wheels deliver a smoother ride for comfort and retention, run cooler than steel and have better heat dissipation for extended brake and tire life. Ideal in appearance to steel and needing less maintenance, these wheels are made to last.

Transit Bus

Shuttle Bus


School Bus
Opt For Aluminum

Stop the Rust!
Steel Wheels
- Always rust
- Cause corrosion-related maintenance issues
- Heavier wheels cause higher fuel cost and lower towing capacity
- Hide unknown maintenance issues, including rust
- Hold in heat
- Ongoing replacement cost
Put An End To Refinishing Or Refurbishing
- Eliminate reoccurring and time intensive maintenance
- Save per wheel every upkeep

Spec Dura-Bright® Wheels for the easiest-to-clean wheels ever.
Dura-Bright® surface treatment penetrates the aluminum, forming a molecular bond that becomes part of the wheel itself. That means it won’t crack, peel or corrode like coated wheels, looking newer for longer.

Safeguard with Dura-Flange®

Dura-Flange® provides a protective shield to prevent rim wear. Ideal for transit and bus applications, Alcoa Dura-Flange® Wheels more than double the life over a standard aluminum wheel.
Advanced finishes for the world’s best wheels

LvL One is the go-to polish for your hardworking truck with its reflective finish and high gloss levels while Mirror Polish defines the ultimate in quality and performance resulting in the premium wheel finish on the market.